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exists solely to serve homeschooling families in Florida. The FPEA executes that mission through support for the legal right to homeschool, local school board education and interaction, support group networking, a state convention, local conferences and events, informative communications, and most importantly, by giving individual encouragement, all in accordance with Judeo-Christian principles. 

By joining the Florida Parent-Educator's Association, your homeschooling family benefits in many ways. You unite with thousands of others in your state who wish to promote home education as a choice open to all who wish to pursue it. ° You are linked with thousands of other Florida home educators. ° FPEA keeps you informed about homeschool issues through the Almanac five times per year, an advance copy of the FPEA Florida Homeschool Convention Program, plus a copy of The Guide to Homeschooling in Florida whenever there is a major revision.

  • Your FPEA membership card enables you to get discounts on admission and purchases of educational items for your homeschool.
  • As an FPEA member, you receive a substantial discount on admission to the annual FPEA Florida Homeschool Convention which is one of the top six homeschool events in the nation.
  • FPEA members' graduating seniors can apply for the FPEA Craig Dickinson Memorial College Scholarship award.
  • FPEA members who choose to join the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) are entitled to a substantial discount on HSLDA annual dues.
  • FPEA members can take pride in our Guide to Homeschooling in Florida. The Guide, paid for by membership dollars, is freely given to thousands of families. It provides solid answers to the questions of new and experienced homeschoolers.
  • FPEA-recognized groups are entitled to send their leaders to leadership training workshops. Leaders attend for a full day to network with other leaders, discuss challenges and learn how others have dealt with the same issues. Since the leaders determine the training topics, you can be sure they will come away with solutions and ideas to enhance your group or "600" school.
  • FPEA Directors are volunteers who are local representatives. FPEA members elect their own District Directors for two-year terms.
  • FPEA Directors take your local concerns to statewide forums.
  • You have access to your FPEA District Director. Directors are available to answer questions on all aspects of home education. They refer newcomers to groups and help homeschoolers network with each other. Directors develop relationships with school officials with whom they work to foster better understanding of homeschooling and defend our legal right to homeschool. When an occasional dispute arises between a homeschooler and a superintendent, Directors work on behalf of FPEA members to negotiate a resolution.
  • FPEA members contribute to the "strength in numbers" that makes our Directors more effective in dealing with other homeschool organizations and district school superintendents.
  • FPEA represents Florida homeschoolers on the national scene. We send Directors to the annual HSLDA National Leadership Conference.
  • FPEA lends support to, and works closely with, the Tallahassee-based Home Education Foundation, a registered lobbyist.


The Group Membership Process

$18 per member Family


Here is the procedure:


 Each submission must have the following

information for each family joining the FPEA and

should be typed or exported in the following order

(*optional information):


* ID NUMBER (if known)

PRIMARY LAST NAME (the person who does the majority of the teaching)







AREA CODE (separate from phone number)

PHONE (separate from area code)




(choose “YES” or “NO”)

YES = I am homeschooling in Florida

NO = I am NOT homeschooling in Florida 


All information and checks need to be made out, and mailed to Susan Briggs at 1768 Albemarle RD, Clearwater, FL 33764


for more information contact Susan Briggs at:



(727) 539-7389

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